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Privacy policy

What data we collect

When you start using the app we’ll ask you for some personal, but non-identifiable, information like:

Additionally, as you use the app, we’ll ask you daily whether you stayed sober that day.

To ensure the quality of the app, we collect diagnostic data only when the app crashes. This doesn’t include any of your personal information regarding your sobriety, but may include some data about your device.

Where we store your data

Your data is stored on your device only. We don’t send it to “the cloud”. As such, no-one (not even us) can see your data but you.

What we do with your data

We use your data to show you various information about your sobriety, like the amount you’ve saved or how long you’ve been sober.

Who we share your data with

We don‘t share any of your sobriety data with anyone. It never leaves your device.

Crash data, which is collected when the app encounters an error and stops working, is sent to Crashlytics operated by Google. We use this data only to fix the error.

How you can delete your data

To delete all your data:

  1. Open the Get Sober app.
  2. Go to the home screen, if you’re not already on it.
  3. Tap the settings button in the top-left hand side of the screen.
  4. Tap Erase all data button.
  5. Confirm by tapping Erase.
  6. All your data has been erased.

All your data is also erased when you delete the app from your device.